
Thursday 25 April 2013

Article of cigarette

Assalamualaikum :) (with love and smile)

Nowadays there are a lot of smokers all around the world. They feel they are the coolest man standing in this world. But sorry, that is not cool, but it burden others. Many campaigns conducted to curb this problem. But, it seems nothing. As we all know, all ages are involved in smoking problem. For instance.....


And this is the king of smoking.....tadaaaaaaa~~~~~~~~~!!!! They dominate this smoking world.
Why actually people tend to addicted in smoking? Why why why? They already know the disadvantages of it, but they still do it. I believe that you will be bored on this kind of article. I feel the same way too... People smoking in everywhere! It's stressful!! Not only love but cigarette as well.  Based on my observation, people will stop smoking when God sent down disease to them. Am I right? Hmm...So sad. There are many effect of smoking. In the article above only the summary. Here is the full content if you are interested to know.

1-Cigarette smoking harms the body by raising cholesterol levels and blood pressure, as well as increasing    the risk of cancer and cataracts. Smoking destroys certain vitamins and creates the need for other specific nutrients.

2-Smokers are 4 times more likely to have gray hair and increased hair loss

3-No amount of smoking is free of risk. The exact amount of risk depends on how long you've smoked and how deeply the you inhale, as well as genetic factors.

4-Smoking is associated with a decline in physical function that makes a smoker act several years older than he/she really is. Tobacco smoking reduces the effectiveness of medications, such as pain relievers, antidepressants, tranquilizers, sedatives, ulcer medication and insulin. With estrogen and oral contraceptives, smoking may increase the risk of heart and blood-vessel disease. Currently, smoking kills 1 in 10 adults worldwide.

5-Smoking makes tinnitus worse.

6-Other research shows that smokers have an increased risk of heart disease (including stroke, chest pain and palpitations), cancer, emphysema, fatigue, loss of vitamins and nutrients, premature aging, gastrointestinal disorders, osteoporosis, sinus congestion and throat irritation. According to medical reports, colds, flu and laryngitis last much longer for those who smoke.

7-Smoking causes an increased stress in the whole body even though there seems to be a lessening of stress when the body gets its 'fix' from the nicotine. Dr. Norman Shealy, a physician with the Shealy Institute for Comprehensive Pain and Health Care in Springfield, MO, tells us that smokers tend to consume other drugs and chemicals more frequently than nonsmokers, and have a lower threshold for pain, possibly because smoking stimulates adrenaline and also blocks one of the body's natural pain relievers. Smokers are more vulnerable to headaches.

8-People who smoke are more likely to have sinusitis.

Oh my God... there are many other effects. You can check out other effect here.

Dear Smokers,
You have to think others. You may kill others because of your mistakes, people who you love the most and yourself. Please take care of your health. You can try to reduce your smoking habit, but you have to be strong. Please say no to cigarette!Pleaseeeee............



  1. Yes,Im also agreed! There's no positive part when we are talking about smoking.Well,my mom advise me to find future husband that do not smoking! hahaha

    1. But if your "jodoh" with the one who smoking....? hahah
